Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

While I am working on my education, I have opted to become a nanny vs daycare teacher, secretary, sales associate...

Major reason I am a nanny... I get to spend quality time with my little man :)
No weekends, holidays, and cash money is nice too!

Well... I am now nannying for a house that is over ran by FIVE children, 4 boys and 1 girl. So Monday - Friday I am in charge of 6 children (including B). My first week I was ready to throw in the towel. I was being super nanny -- dishes, mopping, nerf gun fight, outside games, walks, board games.....

That came to an end real fast... the older boys are 7,8, & 10 -- they can entertain each other. I started focusing on the wee ones. Don't worry I still interact PLENTY with the big dogs too!

I have gotten us all on a pretty good schedule. I make sure we are outside twice a day for at least an hour. The wee ones are easy riding toys, plastic pool, hose, chalk = one hell of a good time! But with this all this rain... we have been stuck inside and it is driving us all a little bonkers.

So I decided I needed to step up my nannying game and come up with some activities for all 6 kids to participate in.

Activity 1:

Smore cake pops:  Chocolate chips
                            Graham crackers

I had  a bowl of melted the chocolate chips, smashed graham crackers, and different sprinkles. I set out the marshmallows on plates and the kids were able make there own smore cake pops -- decorating them in different sprinkles and toppings. I got in on the fun.. and they were amazingly good -bad for the diet.

Activity 2:

They had a large box sitting in the recycling bin. I grab that out, cut it open during nap time, and went on a hunt for some crayons. After snack I laid it out on the living room floor with the crayons and ALL the kids went to town drawing and coloring on it.  It kept every one entertained for a good hour -- MAJOR bonus -- TV WAS OFF!!

  Happy Rain Days :)

-Mandy :))

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