Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fighting Bordem: Scavenger Hunt Walk

During the day, I make the kiddies I nanny go outside both in the morning and after nap time. Usually for at least an 1-2 hours each time. & oh how they complain! 

The big boys get BORED super fast. Nothing hold their attention for long... I swear kids have no imagination anymore.

So, they expect me to keep them busy, along with pay attention/keep the little ones safe. Which wouldn't be a problem if I could clone myself! 

It was so nice yesterday that I decided that we should all take a walk. The boys weren't so happy with that idea.. "BORING!" So to spice the walk up I made up a scavenger hunt for them.

I handed over a ziplock bag, pen, and scavenger hunt checklist. I made sure to write the rule of the game on checklist.
              -Stay on the side of the roads.
              -Stay where I can see you.
              -Don't go in any ones yards
              -If you spot an item on the list that wont fit in the bag, Mandy has to initial it. 
              -First one to spot it - gets it.
Each item was worth points depending on how common it was.
The scavenger included some of the following:
                 - A wild flower
                 - A penny
                 - A garage sale sign
                 - A balloon
                 - A large leaf
                 - A yellow vehicle
                 - A acorn
                 - A bug
                 - A pebble
                 - A flat rock
                 - A house for sale
                 - A pinecone
                 - A stroller
                 - Some one on a bike ride
                 - A weed
                 - Tall blade of grass
                  ***Bonus: Litter (1 point each)
                  ***Bonus: Something odd (5 points)
Reading their lists to see what else they needed
The little ones were "helping"
The big guys LOVED it!  It kept them preoccupied for the entire walk.

Counting up points.

Nine days till school starts, not that I am counting or anything!

-Mandy :))

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